My Fast & Fit Journey: Robbie Lehman - Part 4
Part 4: Celebrating Results!
In some ways, it feels like more than 12 weeks since starting my Fast & Fit journey with Coach Mike.
That’s what happens when you take on a big goal. It requires patience, chipping away at it one day at a time. Not many things in life (that are worth doing) happen overnight, and that is certainly true with fitness.
In other ways though, it’s gone by in a flash. Looking back, 12 weeks of dedication to becoming a healthier, more fit me sure is a short time frame in the grand scheme of things. So I’m glad I took the leap when I did to get back to being myself - and actually a BETTER self!
It was all worth it in the end. Honestly, I’m pretty shocked at the results!
Final stats:
Weight loss: 12.7 lbs
Body Fat decrease: 5.8%
Lean Mass increase: 0.9%
Goals Crushed
Checking back in on my goals, I was mostly concerned with getting back around 190 lbs, slimming down in the waist/belly, and strengthening my chest and arms. Based on the eye test of the photos and the science of the stats, I’d say these were all accomplished! And yes, it feels good.
I mentioned in the last post that no matter what happened with the final results, it was just as important to me that I came away from this program with overall better health and fitness habits, and that is 100% what happened. Eating right has become such an everyday practice that it’s the new normal at this point. I know how important it is to move my body everyday, but also that that doesn’t mean it has to be high intensity movement - bike rides or power walks are just as beneficial. Also, I have learned to place a new emphasis on recovery between workouts.
Thank you Coach Mike!
I can’t even begin to describe how much I owe to Coach Mike for being alongside me through this process. He helped me with more than just the physical aspect of training - he helped me get my confidence back. By preaching patience, consistency and mental toughness, he made it easy to commit to the physical parts of the program.
I now have a wider knowledge of what exercises benefit me in certain ways, how to structure them into a week for proper gains and rest, and so much more. He also educated me on proper nutrition tips, and to think more about what types of food to put into my body and how they would make me feel physically and mentally.
There certainly was a time or two that I complained, so I appreciate him putting up with me and challenging me to be better every session. Overall he made training fun, kept me motivated and always cheered me on.
Who’s Next?
For those reading this post and who have followed this series from Day 1, I hope you are inspired to chase your own goals, whatever they may be, by implementing the same principles. Find a coach, make a plan, and follow it one day at a time while measuring progress.
If your goal does happen to be fitness related, don’t wait to reach out the Coach Mike and his team of personal trainers at F&FC! Make the commitment to your body and yourself - you won’t regret it!
Start your own Fast & Fit journey today!